+61 401 147 526
Puff pastry hearts with egg and bacon served with braised cherry tomatoes and cappuccino with a cocoa heart

Puff pastry hearts with egg and bacon served with braised cherry tomatoes and cappuccino with a cocoa heart

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Berry sorbet in champagne with cherries
Rose petals on grey wooden surface
A chocolate milkshake with heart-shaped ice cubes
Cheese and rocket puff pastry tartlets
Puff pastry hearts with egg and bacon served with braised cherry tomatoes and cappuccino with a cocoa heart
Banana bread with homemade hazelnut butter and honey

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Image ID:11415410
Caption:Puff pastry hearts with egg and bacon served with braised cherry tomatoes and cappuccino with a cocoa heart
License type:Rights-managed
Contributor:StockFood / Great Stock!
Image size:3413 px x 5121 px